Live & Learn: Home and Life Reimagined

Home office

There is something sobering about taking a look around your home and thinking about how 2022 has impacted how we live. Last year pushed, stretched and challenged us in unbelievable ways. What have you learned? How do you want to change the way you live? What do you want to do differently? Here are a few ways to de-stress your life through de-cluttering and organizing your home for a productive 2023.

 make time for you

When was the last time you spent some time alone? Inserting a little solitude into your busy schedule isn’t a waste of time. Privacy provides the time and space for self-reflection. Quiet space allows you a chance to relax and focus on your personal needs. It reduces your likelihood of being overstimulated and allows you space for mental healing and self-care, and gives you the opportunity to plan how to get the most out of your life.

physical clutter - mind clutter

Here’s the thing about decluttering — it never ends. If your living space is looking a little disheveled, begin decluttering as soon as you can rather than waiting. When you’re living in clutter, it’s harder to focus on important tasks. Decluttering is a mindset, a lifestyle choice, an ongoing process. Once you learn the benefits of decluttering, you’ll begin to streamline it more than just in your home — your calendar, your to-do list, your unfinished projects will also get a much needed reboot. It’s about more than cleaning up the messes in and around your home, it’s about clearing the clutter physically, emotionally and mentally.

take care of your health

The pandemic changed the way we think, live and take care of ourselves. Now more than ever, we need to invest in our mental, physical and emotional health to ensure we’re strong and always at our best. Start developing healthy habits while you’re still healthy. Schedule regular checkups with your doctor and dentist in order to prevent future problems. Practice calming your mind, reducing stress, getting adequate sleep and exercise. The little things you do each day can drastically improve yourself to help you feel happier while investing in self-care.

be grateful everyday

The most important power lies in a grateful heart. When you feel gratitude, you become more honest and more generous. It gives you more patience and perseverance. Live in the present moment and take nothing for granted. Practice turning your thoughts toward appreciation and thanksgiving, because a life without authenticity, passion, truth and gratitude really isn’t a life at all.


The Ultimate Guide to an Organized Home & Life

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Crystal Walker is the chief communicator and creative strategist for CrystaRene Consulting and a regular contributor at Hope magazine. Crystal is a published writer, event planner, voice-over talent, graphic designer, educator, communications coach and former radio personality. 

Crystal Walker

Crystal Walker is a the chief communicator and creative strategist for CrystaRene Consulting and a regular contributor at Hope magazine. Crystal is a published writer, event planner, voice-over talent, graphic designer, educator, communications coach and former radio personality.


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