Last Minute Ways to Prepare for the Coldest Months

Cold Cream

Winter can be a great season for many people, but others dread getting ready for it. Preparing your home and life for winter is harder than some might expect, but it's worth every minute you put into it. When you prepare for winter correctly, even if it's last minute, you'll feel better about the coldest season of the year. You won't need to worry about things going wrong and can instead focus on everything going right during the most wonderful time of the year.

winterize your home

Preparing your home for winter might be simultaneously one of the most exciting and most boring things you do for the coldest season of the year. Preparing your home for the holidays might entail setting out decorations, but you must also do work on your home in general. Make sure to clear out your gutters and seal any cracks with caulk. One of the best ways to winterize your home is to have the right drapes for winter. You can reduce heat loss by nearly 10% by closing drapes at night and keeping them closed when they don't receive sunlight.

lessen seasonal affective disorder

People often experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) because they aren't getting enough light. You can mitigate this occurrence by undertaking light therapy, which is as simple as buying a special lamp. This device can give you enough light exposure through the cold winter months when the sun isn't around as much. Having the right tools on hand can help you conquer some of the side effects of SAD before they start.

prepare your skin

Your skin deserves more in the winter than basic coverings. You have to keep your skin moisturized to avoid dryness and flakiness. By using heavy moisturizers, you can lock in some protection for your skin during the day and at night. You should also drink water, as it can aid in preventing wrinkles due to dry skin. Remember to stock up on hydrating products before you need them. Your skin will thank you for taking care of it through the coldest months.

choose the right clothes

Whether you choose to create a capsule wardrobe for the winter or work with a variety of clothes, having the right items in your inventory is necessary for the harshest months of winter. A high-quality jacket will help you lock the heat inside so you stay warm while outside. You want to dress appropriately for the weather, even if that means some of your clothes don't match. It's better to be warm and safe than to look nice.

stay connected with others

Social isolation is a risk for people of all ages, but it mostly affect older adults who might be alone for the holidays. If you don't plan to meet up with others, make sure you care for your mental health by reaching out to your friends online or via a phone call. Make sure you're checking on elderly friends and family members. They may appreciate your company more than anything else this season.

make the most of your winter

While you may have to jump a few hurdles to fully prepare for winter, you can still be as ready as possible by knowing what to do. Once you have your house taken care of, prioritize yourself and your connections. Keep your mental and physical health at the front of your mind. That way, you'll be able to enjoy the most fulfilling season yet and prepare for a new year full of fun and experiences of a lifetime.

Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She has a passion for writing about ways to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life, especially for new moms.

Cora Gold

Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She has a passion for writing about ways to live a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life, especially for new moms.

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