Rest Is Not Your Enemy

Happy Person

The pressure to hustle and be in pursuit of the bag has drowned out our ability to understand the importance and need of rest. The world is constantly at a fast-moving pace so it’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of always moving and never stopping long enough to rest and regroup.

I want to encourage you to never feel guilty for taking a break and giving yourself a day or two of rest. You deserve it. I understand from personal experience the struggle it can be to just stop and rest. Even when your body is at rest, the mind must be trained to rest as well.

“Rest is not idle, is not wasteful. Sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do for your body and soul.” ~ Erica Layne

Rest is not quitting, it is opening the door to being replenished so you can become better and refreshed. Embracing rest isn’t easy when you have become accustomed to always moving and working to make things happen, but our bodies were created by God with rest in mind.

The way you choose to rest may look different than someone else’s and that is okay. The end goal is that you take time to step away from your daily demands of life to get rest.

Embrace rest however that looks for you. Give yourself a chance to steal away to reboot and do not feel guilty for one minute about doing so. Rest is not your enemy but can become a much needed and embraced friend.

Let’s take a moment to rest ladies so we can finish out this year with clarity, renewed strength and being laser focused on the path in which we are purposed to walk.

Rita Taylor is the owner of RitaJ Enterprises LLC and is an Author, Speaker, Producer, Director and former Global Radio Host. You can learn more about her at

Rita Taylor

Rita Taylor is the owner of RitaJ Enterprises LLC and is an Author, Speaker, Producer, Director and former Global Radio Host. You can learn more about her at


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