Hello, Me! The Collective: Life Coaching to Help Women Take Charge

Jihada Garrett teaches women to find their confidence in both their careers and their personal lives. Through her coaching business, Hello Me! The Collective, Jihada helps ambitious women create a work-life balance and gain the confidence to recognize and achieve their goals. 

As per The Collective’s website, Jihada offers a wide set of skills thanks to her background in psychology, consulting, business, and communications — not only is she highly educated, but she also has the personal experience to match it.  

According to an interview with Jihada in the Indiana Minority Business Magazine, she was confronted with a dilemma that inspired her to create her life coaching business and help other women in her position. Early into a new role, she found out that she was going to have a child and had to take a pause to reflect on her family and career balance. 

“That was the push that was kind of like, you’re going to have to take a leap of faith and go into the direction of your purpose and your calling,” she told Indiana Minority Business Magazine

Jihada hopes that her life coaching business will give women an opportunity to support each other, not only in their careers but also in their personal lives. She believes that the two are highly intertwined, and deep reflection is necessary to reach personal goals.

“I think what affects you personally will impact you professionally, so I really create a space where they are able to bring forward whatever it is that they need to bring forth… if you want to focus on your career, absolutely, but it will probably require we look at your way of being,” Jihada further mentioned in Indiana Minority Business Magazine.

The Collective’s website urges women from all different backgrounds to “get back in touch with the woman you were before the world told you who you should be.” Jihada’s training, many women have already noticed huge differences. 

“Not only has my confidence and work/life balance improved as a result of Jihada's coaching, but there are lessons and mindsets I learned that I now apply to my daily life,” said Kelly Wines, a client of Jihada’s, in a testimony on her website. 

According to her clients, Jihada asks deep and important questions that are meant to change their mindsets to realize their full potential. With her group coaching sessions, she hopes to continue to empower women in all aspects of their lives. 

Anya Warrier is an undergraduate student at Georgetown University studying Science, Technology, and International Affairs. She is especially interested in writing about inequalities in science and healthcare.


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