Freedom that Comes with Forgiveness

What a challenge it is to move beyond the words “I forgive you” and actually walk in forgiveness. There is freedom from the restraints and heaviness you feel once the decision has been made to forgive those who wronged you. In life and in building relationships, things happen and unfortunately, those you love will sometimes knowingly and unknowingly hurt you. What you choose to do after this is up to you. In speaking with other women regarding their journey to forgiveness, I would like to share with you some of the steps they and myself took to get to a place called freedom. 

Acknowledge that you were hurt

This is not the time for pride. Once you decide you want to forgive, you must first acknowledge that yes, they hurt me and it hurts. 

Decide to relinquish control of the pain and give it to God

You will need to give it all to Him, withholding nothing. You cannot be in control and relinquish control at the same time. You must decide to release it. 

Forgiveness does not make you weak

Your forgiveness isn’t something you are doing for the other person. Understand that forgiveness is a gift you are giving yourself. 

Release the shame

Don’t beat yourself up because you didn’t see the red flags or you ignored them. Life is about lessons and once you learn the lesson that season of your life taught you, build on it and pay the lesson forward. Release yourself from the prison of shame. 

Forgive yourself

Sometimes who you need to forgive is the person you see in the mirror every day. Free yourself from you. You are not the mistake; the mistake was just a part of your journey and only you can build upon the lesson if you choose. 

Be okay with forgiving and moving forward

Forgiveness doesn’t always mean rekindling. 

I pray if you are challenged in forgiving someone of the hurt inflicted on you or forgiving yourself that these steps will assist you in your journey to forgiveness. Forgiveness for some may come quicker. For others, it is a journey. The key is to keep going until you feel free from the bondage of unforgiveness. 

There is freedom in forgiveness. 

Rita Taylor is the owner of RitaJ Enterprises LLC and is an Author, Speaker, Producer, Director and former Global Radio Host. You can learn more about her at 

Rita Taylor

Rita Taylor is the owner of RitaJ Enterprises LLC and is an Author, Speaker, Producer, Director and former Global Radio Host. You can learn more about her at


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